I have been reading "The Knowledge of the Holy" by A.W. Tozer. Here are some quotes:
"What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us."
"The gravest question before the Church is always God Himself."
"Only after an ordeal of painful self-probing are we likely to discover what we actually believe about God."
"Perverted notions about God soon rot the religion in which they appear."
I feel I have gone through a bit of that "ordeal of painful self-probing" during the last few months, and it was painful. But I am the better for it. Bob George identifies a principle in his book "Classic Christianity": "If truth sets you free, then error binds you." We must think right thoughts - the truth - about God to be free.
One of my errors that bound me, for years, was that God was not always good. I would ask "How could He let that happen?" Not realizing that what I was really doing was judging God and saying my concept of goodness was higher than His. How arrogant! It was painful dig out and realize this about myself - but freeing to be rid of it. God is always good!
We all have faulty misconceptions about God in our hearts. Find them and right them as best you can.
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