Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Not sure if I'm going to make it...

There is an awful lot of red over there in that graph.  I'm currently standing at 32,742 words in <a href="http://www.nanowrimo.org/userinfo.php?uid=128318 ">my novel</a>.  I'm supposed to be at 50,000 words in two days.  I'm beginning to accept the fact that that's probably not going to happen.  However, I am determined to finish the story - maybe I'll shoot for 40,000 words instead.

I think looking back on it, I just cared too much about the story to JUST WRITE.  I kept editing what I had written and worried too much about what somebody may think of it when they read it in December.  Forgetting all along that this was supposed to be a ROUGH DRAFT.  I kept wanting it to be a GOOD rough draft - good enough that people would actually want to read it.  And that, I think, was the problem.

I didn't possess "literary abandonment" as the Nanowrimo website loves to put it.

Oh well, there is always next year!



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