"Once when he was eating with them, he commanded them, “Do not leave Jerusalem until the Father sends you the gift he promised, as I told you before. John baptized with water, but in just a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” - Acts 1:4-5
In the time span between Jesus' death and Pentecost, the apostles experienced fear, doubt and uncertainty. When Jesus appeared to them during that time, they were afraid thinking they were seeing a ghost. Some even doubted it was Him at all. They were all fairly uncertain about the mission and what they were supposed to do now that Jesus was no longer with them. They had fear, doubts, and uncertainty. Sounds like us sometimes!
But they had two things going for them. They had a promise and a command.
The Holy Spirit was the promise. Waiting in Jerusalem was the command. Sometimes we just need to hold onto a promise and keep obeying the command God has given us. Even when we are afraid, doubting and uncertain.
10 days after Jesus' ascension, while the disciples were still obeying his command to stay in Jerusalem, the Holy Spirit fell at Pentecost and fear in their hearts retreated, doubt melted away, and uncertainty was replaced with a growing fire for the Kingdom of God to advance in all the world.
Do you have a doubt or uncertainty? Believe God's promises for you, obey His commands and watch Him work wonders through you.