"Jesus saw the huge crowd as he stepped from the boat, and he had compassion on them and healed their sick." - Matthew 14:14
Jesus was motivated to action by two things in his life: the Father's heart and compassion. These things were the basis for his life and ministry. He did not allow other influences to move him. He did not succumb to:
- peer pressure (Peter rebuking him - Matthew 16:22-23)
- social pressure (Samaritan woman at the well - John 4, multitudes leaving - John 6:60-70)
- physical pressure (his arrest, torture and crucifixion)
- legal pressure (before Pontius - Matthew 27:11-14)
- demonic pressure (his temptation in the wilderness - Matthew 4:1-11)
We must follow closely behind him and allow our motivations to be shaped by the same influences that shaped his. This world has much to offer, both good and bad. Only an intimate relationship with our Father and a heart for compassion, will keep us on the path designed for us.